


TOPS - Diamond Look (2012)




如果說粉紅色、皮膚色等淺暖色系是溫柔的顏色,那麼溫柔的反面則是淺藍和淺紫色,加拿大蒙特羅樂隊TOPS如是說。無論其專輯封面或是首支MVRings of Saturn〉皆以紫色為主要色調,那種帶點復古又神祕的氛圍直教人陷入其情境泥沼中而無法自拔,聽者可要當心!


女主唱Jane Penny獨特充滿活力的嗓音,David Carriere特殊的吉他音調,加上貝士手Thom Gillies 和鼓手Riley Fleck跳躍的律動與節奏,TOPS絕對是氣氛營造之top(箇中翹楚)。懷舊的你會迷戀上這些帶有濃厚八零年代復古味的歌曲,並悄悄地偷走你的心,一點也不溫柔。



TOPSTender Opposites〉專輯全曲試聽



TOPS - Rings of Saturn



TOPS - Diamond Look


diamond look

ring of lies

they just want you for your pretty eyes

he dress up pretty and bright

he thinks he's    1.    in the heart

he thinks it nothing at all

even the pretty boys fall


diamond look so bright and so shiny

he's the greatest lover of all

he don't sing and he don't do nothin' for himself but put his face on

a pretty boy look    2.    and so    3.  

and he get love just to stand up tall

   4.    - starbright

like a diamond in the sky


making love

in the night

she just want you cuz you look alright

he thinks he's fierce in the heart

she thinks it's nothin' at all

the diamond look at the ball

even the pretty boys fall


diamond in sky ooh


diamond ring

in your hand

he just want to be your lover man

he dress up pretty and nice

don't have to say nothin right

for them it's love at first    5.  



    1. fierce  [fɪrs]    a. 形容詞    好鬥的


    2. sharp  [ʃɑrp]    a. 形容詞    輪廓鮮明的;明顯的


    3. dashing  [ˋʃɪŋ]    a. 形容詞    時髦的;華麗的


    4. starlight   [ˋstɑr͵laɪt]    n. 名詞    星光


    5. sight   [saɪt]    n. 名詞    看見;景色




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