Natalie Imbruglia  



Natalie Imbruglia - Torn (1997)


1975年出生於澳洲,Natalie本是演員,後來因為音樂方面的興趣,1996年毅然離開家鄉移居英國倫敦,得到幸運之神眷顧的她很快獲得一紙唱片約,隔年推出個人首支單曲〈Torn〉,不僅登上流行歌曲排行榜,隨後推出之首張專輯《Left Of The Middle》亦銷售不俗。


Torn〉這首歌由The Cure的前團員Phil Thomalley操刀製作,清新流暢的旋律教人一聽便愛不釋手。


Natalie Imbruglia -Torn


I thought I saw a man brought to life

He was warm

He came around

And he was     1.   

He showed me what it was to cry


Well you couldn't be that man I     2.   

You don't seem to know

Or seem to care

What your heart is for

I don't know him anymore


There's nothin' where he used to lie

My conversation has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothings right

I'm     3.   


I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

    4.     never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn


So I guess the fortune tellers right

I should have seen just what was there and not some holy light

But you     5.     beneath my veins

And now, I don't care

I have no luck

I don't miss it all that much

There's just so many things

That I can't touch

I'm torn


I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn



There's nothin' he used to lie

My     6.     has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's right

I'm torn


I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

You're a little late

I'm already torn




    1. dignified   [ˋdɪgnə͵faɪd]    a. 形容詞    莊嚴的;高貴的


    2. adored  ˋdord]    vt. 及物動詞    崇拜;愛慕


    3. torn  [torn]  (tear的過去分詞)  vt. 及物動詞   撕開;撕裂


    4. Illusion  ˋljuʒən]   n. 名詞   錯覺;幻想


    5. crawled  [krɔld]    v. 動詞     爬行;徐徐行進


    6. inspiration  [͵ɪnspəˋreʃən]    n. 名詞    靈感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)




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