


Memoryhouse – The Kids Were Wrong (2012)



由女主唱Denise Nouvion與吉他手Evan Abeele組成的Memoryhouse2010年成軍於加拿大多倫多,團名取自當代作曲家Max Richter首張專輯名稱。光是「記憶之屋」這名字就足夠吸引人了。


首張大碟「The Slideshow Effect」舒緩動聽,朦朧的吉他與合成器讓人彷彿置身夢中,Denise柔和的歌聲像是枕邊人的細語一般美麗又不真實。




Memoryhouse - Heirloom



Memoryhouse - The Kids Were Wrong


Go to sleep, nothing's changing

I'll be right here by your side

Break the teens,     1.     fading

In the stillness of the night


You're thick-skinned, but it seems

You're hiding in     2.   

Can't find our way to the light

And when this routine ends, through nights and weekends

we'll see daylight through the blinds


Drifting in a cold state, the glowing cracks of old days

Bodies slack and pressed beneath the hour in your eyes

    3.     and cold skin, your parent's bed we lay in

Arms outstretched to emptiness; the space you've left behind


Go to sleep, nothing's changing

I'll be right here by your side

    4.     the seams, we're not aging

Beneath these trembling star-lit skies


You're thick-skinned, but you know

It's beyond our control

Shadows gleaming in our eyes

Been living a past dear, be free from those     5.     years

And we'll see daylight through the blinds


() 歌詞填空:

    1. colours[ˋkʌlɚz]  【英】=color  n. 名詞   色彩;外貌


    2. daydreams[ˋde͵drimz]  n. 名詞   白日夢;空想[C]


    3. Fingernails[ˋfɪŋgɚ͵nelz]  n. 名詞   手指甲[C]


    4. Tear[tɛr]  vt. 及物動詞    撕開;劃破 


    5. dull[dʌl]  a. 形容詞    乏味的;笨的;呆滯的


() 小編附記:

    Memoryhouse常被拿來與前輩Beach House做比較,因同玩dream pop曲風亦有著不少的相似性。小編當然不會放過Beach House這個多麼適合夏天的名字,敬請拭目以待。





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