

Yuck - Shook Down (2011)



浩瀚嘈雜的吉他音牆,陽光動人的青春旋律,說Yuck這支英國倫敦樂隊是去年菜鳥樂團之王也不為過。主唱Daniel Blumberg和吉他手Max Bloom來自倫敦,爆炸頭搞笑鼓手Jonny Rogoff來自美國紐澤西,酷酷女貝士手Mariko Doi來自日本廣島,成員像是聯合國;其後加入隱藏成員Daniel的妹妹Ilana負責合聲,平常表演時幾乎不會出現,陣容十分有趣。


處男同名專輯中,開場曲〈Get Away〉一開始的噪音吉他彷彿帶我們回到90年代獨立搖滾時期。








Shook Down〉則是一首旋律優美的青春情歌。


To collapse in a sugar cane

Suck it sweet to kill the pain

There was someoene i was looking for

There is no more

My tongue is weak from a kick or two

The word is dry, I think of you

Tie my face to the back of a jet

To keep my essence there


And its been a week

And its been a week too long

There are several things that i've been doing wrong

You see the time it takes for you

Is the time it takes for me

So don't agree


If it's late then I will go

Turn the lights out, turn it slow

Like you turned me upside down

And faced the ground

Spinnin' left I spin at you

Listen girl I think of you

Back up by the back of the chair

I left you there


And its been a week

And its been a week too long

There are several things that i've been doing wrong

You see the time it takes for you

Is the time it takes for me

So don't agree


You can be my destiny

You can mean that much to me

You can be my destiny

You can mean that much to me

You can be my destiny

You can mean that much to me

You can be my destiny

You can mean that much to me

You can be my destiny


() 單字解說:

    1. collapse[kəˋlæps]   vi. (健康等)垮掉; 衰退; 累倒

      Her health collapsed because of overwork.



     2. tongue[tʌŋ]   n. 名詞   舌頭[C];說話能力

      The doctor told the girl to put out her tongue.



     3. essence[ˋɛsns]  n. 名詞  本質;本體

      The essence of language is communication.



     4. destiny[ˋdɛstənɪ]  n. 名詞  命運[C]

      It was his destiny never to see her again.



() 小編附記:

       或許你曾經錯過和另一半在西洋情人節當天一起欣賞他們的來台演出,不過你可以拿起早已沾滿灰塵的吉他,對她彈唱:「You can be my destiny…」,追憶那早已一去不返的青春。


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