

(2011)The White Stripes白線條解散後

Jack White終於在眾人期盼下,推出首張個人專輯《Blunderbuss》。

選在美國Nashville錄製,由自創唱片廠牌Third Man Records發行,




Love Interruption 是Jack White與納什維爾黑人女歌手Ruby Amanfu合唱的


 < Love Interruption >


I want love
To roll me over slowly
stick a knife inside me,
and twist it all around.

I want love to
grab my fingers gently
slam them in a doorway
put my face into the ground.

I want love to
murder my own mother
and take her off to somewhere
like hell or up above.

I want love to
change my friends to enemies,
change my friends to enemies
and show me how it's all my fault.

I wont let love disrupt, corrupt or interrupt me x 2
Yeah I wont let love disrupt, corrupt, or interrupt me anymore.

I want love to
walk right up and bite me
grab a hold of me and fight me
leave me dying on the ground.

And I want love to
split my mouth wide open and
cover up my ears,
and never let me hear a sound.

I want love to,
forget that you offended me
or how you have defended me,
when everybody tore me down.

Yeah I want love to
change my friends to enemies,
change my friends to enemies
and show me how it's all my fault.

Yeah I wont let love disrupt, corrupt or interrupt me
I wont let love disrupt, corrupt or interrupt me
I wont let love disrupt, corrupt, or interrupt me anymore.

(ㄧ) 單字解說

1.stick : [ ˋstɪk ] 動詞  黏住; 釘住             

This stamp won't stick.


2.twist : [twɪst] 動詞 扭轉;攪

Elle twisted flowers into a wreath.


3.gently :  [ˋdʒɛntlɪ] 副詞 溫柔的

Hold the glasse gently.


  4.enemies: [ˋɛnəmɪs] 名詞 敵人(複數)

 Don't make an enemy of Angela.


5.disrupt: [dɪsˋrʌpt] 動詞 使...分裂

Slavery seemed likely to disrupt the Union then.


6.corrupt:[kəˋrʌpt] 動詞 使...墮落

It was power corrupted her eventually.


7.interrupt: [͵ɪntəˋrʌpt] 動詞 打斷(講話或講話人)

I don't want to interrupt you. Go on with your story.


 8.tear someone(something) down 片語 扯斷的意思

They have torn dangerous wall down.


() 小編附記:

不知道有沒有人記得電影量007量子危機的主題曲Another way to die?!

就是由 Jack White製作的第一首電影主題曲,再由Jack的類女聲加上Alicia Keys的靈魂式唱腔。

 保有強烈戲劇風格的曲風讓我非常喜愛! 當然也有許多粉絲把這首歌和

皇家夜總會的you know my name做比較,你們喜歡哪一部007的主題曲呢?



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