


Frente! – Bizarre Love Triangle (1994)



最近媒體瘋狂報導無尾熊與大樹的畸戀故事,令小編想到和真正的無尾熊同樣來自澳洲的樂團「Frente!」,以及她們〈Bizarre Love Triangle〉這首歌。


Frente」為西班牙文,即英文「Front」之意。樂隊成軍於1991年,成員包括女主唱Angie Hart、吉他手Simon Austin、貝士手Tim O'connor與鼓手Mark Picton。〈Bizarre Love Triangle〉改編自英國樂團New Order原曲,清新的民謠曲風搭上Angie Hart如小女孩般的嗓音,使得此翻唱版本引起廣大迴響,至今仍有不少國內歌手唱過這首歌呢!


I do admit to myself


That if I hurt someone else


Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be


好好珍惜身邊愛你 / 妳的人吧!


Bizarre Love Triangle- 魏如萱


Bizarre Love Triangle- New Order


Bizarre Love Triangle- Frente! 

Every time I think of you

I get the shot right through into a bolt of blue

It's no problem of mine

But it's a problem I find

Living a life that I can't leave behind


There's no sense in telling me

The wisdom of the fool won't set you free

But that's the way that it goes

And it's what nobody knows

And everyday my confusion grows


Everytime I see you falling

I get down on my knees and pray

I'm waiting for the final moment

You say the words that I can't say


I feel fine and I feel good

I'm feeling like I never should

Whenever I get this way

I just don't know what to say

Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday


I'm not sure what this could mean

I don't think you're what you seem

I do admit to myself

That if I hurt someone else

Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be


Everytime I see you falling

I get down on my knees and pray

I'm waiting for the final moment

You say the words that I can't say


Every time I see you falling

I get down on my knees and pray

I'm waiting for that final moment

You say the words that I can't say

() 單字解釋:

   1. Bizarre[bɪˋzɑr] a. 形容詞   奇異的;異乎尋常的

His attitude toward her has bizarre turn.



   2. bolt[bolt]   n. 名詞 [C]   閃電;電光

          A bolt of lightning lit up the sky.



   3. wisdom[ˋwɪzdəm] n. 名詞    智慧;才智 [U]

          She showed great wisdom in what she said and did.



   4. confusion[kənˋfjuʒən] n. 名詞 [U]    困惑慌亂

          The old man looked at him in confusion.



   5. knees[niz] n. 名詞 [C] (單數為knee)    膝;膝蓋

     She was on her knees weeding the garden.



() 延伸討論:

Try to talk about the relationship of “love triangle”.





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