

Nirvana - Come As You Are (1991)



1987年,Nirvana於美國華盛頓州Aberdeen成軍,成員包括主唱兼吉他手Kurt Cobain、貝斯手Krist Novoselic與鼓手Aaron Burckhard。後來成員雖多次更替, Kurt一直是該團的靈魂人物。1991年,樂團的第二張專輯Nevermind》成功將之引領的Grunge另類搖滾風潮打入主流市場,亦為搖滾史上的經典之作。




Come As You Are


Come, as you are. As you were.

As I want you to be. As a friend.

As a friend. As an old enemy. Take your time.

Hurry up. The choice is yours. Don't be late.

Take a rest. As a friend. As a old memory, memory, memory, memory.


Come. Dowsed in mud. Soaked in bleach.

As I want you to be. As a trend. As a friend.

As an old memory, memory, memory, memory.


And I swear that I don't have a gun.

No I don't have a gun. No I don't have a gun.


Memory, memory, memory, memory (don't have a gun).


And I swear that I don't have a gun.

No I don't have a gun. No I don't have a gun.

No I don't have a gun. No I don't have a gun. Memory, memory...


() 單字解說:

    1. Aberdeen[͵æbɚˋdin]  n.名詞



    2. Grunge [grʌndʒ]      n. 名詞 




    3. Dowsed [daʊzd]  vt. 及物動詞    ...浸入水中

       She dowsed the clothes in soapy water.



    4. bleach [blitʃ]  n.名詞[U]  漂白劑

       He wants to buy a strong household bleach.



    5. swear [swɛr]  vt. 及物動詞  發誓

                          (動詞三態swear- swore-sworn)

       He swore that he had never talked with the girl.



() 延伸討論:

    Why do great artists die so young? Which one do you miss so much?




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