

The Verve – Bittersweet Symphony (1997)



1989年成軍於英國WiganThe Verve,由主唱Richard Ashcroft、吉他手Nick McCabe、貝斯手Simon Jones和鼓手Peter Salisbur四人組成(鍵盤手Simon Tong而後加入) 。他們的曲風以Brit-pop為主,在90年代並與Oasis等英國知名樂隊齊名,樂團曾經歷兩次的分合,最終於2009年宣告第三次解散。


第三張專輯《Urban Hymns》不僅取得銷售方面的成功,更是90年代必聽的搖滾經典專輯之一。開場曲〈Bittersweet Symphony〉取樣自Rolling Stones (滾石合唱團)的〈The Last Time〉,主唱感性且富磁性的嗓音,唱出宛如人生詩篇的歌詞,彷彿以曾經活過好幾次的先知身分告訴我們,人生不就是這麼一回事!


Bittersweet Symphony


'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life

Try to make ends meet

You're a slave to money then you die

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down

You know the one that takes you to the places

where all the things meet yeah,


No change, I can change

I can change, I can change

But I'm here in my mold

I am here in my mold

But I'm a million different people

from one day to the next

I can't change my mold

No, no, no, no, no


Well I never pray

But tonight I'm on my knees yeah

I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah

I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now

But the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to me now


No change, I can change

I can change, I can change

But I'm here in my mold

I am here in my mold

And I'm a million different people

from one day to the next

I can't change my mold

No, no, no, no, no

I can't change

I can't change


'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life


Try to make ends meet

Try to find some money then you die

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down

You know the one that takes you to the places

where all the things meet yeah


You know I can change, I can change

I can change, I can change

But I'm here in my mold

I am here in my mold

And I'm a million different people

from one day to the next

I can't change my mold

No, no, no, no, no


I can't change my mold

no, no, no, no, no,

I can't change

Can't change my body,

no, no, no


I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down

Been down

Ever been down

Ever been down

Ever been down

Ever been down

Have you ever been down?

Have you've ever been down? 


() 單字解說:

    1. Wigan[ˋwɪgən]   n. 名詞       小鎮名,隸屬英國英格蘭大曼徹斯特郡


    2. mold[mold]      n. 名詞 [C]     類型性格氣質

      We need more people of his mold.



    3. recognize[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz]   vt. 及物動詞   認出

      The policeman recognized him as a pickpocket.



    4. cleanse[klɛnz]        vt. 及物動詞   使純淨;淨化

      Cleanse your thoughts of sin.



    5. airways [ˋɛr͵wez]      n. 名詞       廣播頻道


() 延伸討論:

     Why do people say life is bitter sweet? Is it because there are no unallayed good things in life?




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