


The Strokes – Someday (2001)



來自美國紐約的獨立搖滾樂團The Strokes,成軍於1998年,成員包括主唱Julian Casablancas、主吉他手Nick Valensi節奏吉他手Albert Hammond, Jr.、貝斯手Nikolai Fraiture和鼓手Fabrizio Moretti


2001年推出首張專輯《Is This It》,初試啼聲即一鳴驚人。當時這五位年齡僅二十出頭的青年,靠著清爽的吉他刷弦、躍動的鼓擊和主唱Julian有點玩事不恭的唱法震翻全球搖滾版圖,該專輯也被NME雜誌選為2000s十年間最好的專輯第一名(the greatest album of the decade)。〈Someday〉一曲說著或許某一天,我們會回憶早已一去不回的青春‧‧‧




In many ways they'll miss the good old days

Someday, someday

Yeah it    1.    to say but I want you to stay

Sometimes, sometimes

When we was young oh man did we have fun

Always, always

Promises they break before they're made

Sometimes, sometimes


Oh, My ex says im lacking in     2.    

I will do my best

You say you wanna stand by my side

Darling your head's not right

I see alone we stand together we fall apart

Yeah, I think I'll be alright

I'm working so I won't have to try so hard

Tables they turn sometimes.

Oh someday.

I    3.    wasting no more time.


Trying, trying.


And now my fears, they come to me in threes

So I, sometimes

Say "   4.    my friend", you say the strangest things

I find, sometimes


Oh, My   5.   says i'm lacking in depth

Say I will try my best

You say you wanna stand by my side

Darling your head's not right

I see alone we stand together we fall apart

Yeah, I think I'll be alright

I'm working so I won't have to try so hard

Tables they turn sometimes.

Oh someday


I ain't wasting no more time


() 歌辭填空:

    1. hurts[hɝts]     vi. 不及物動詞     1.疼痛    2.帶來痛苦造成損失


    2. depth[dɛpθ]     n. 名詞           (知識等的)深奧;(感情等的)深厚[U]


    3. ain't[ent]     【口】=am not, are not, is not, have not, has not


    4. fade[fed]       vt.  及物動詞        使褪色


    5. ex[ɛks]  (ex-girlfriend)   n. 名詞              前女友


() 延伸討論:

    Have you missed the good old days? If you can come back,what do you want to do most?




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